Friday, December 12, 2008

Metal Steve Reviews Wii Music

Sorry everybody for not posting so much fori months but I've been busy working on the new Mighty Talon album and let me tell you this: "PREPARE TO HAVE YORU FACE MELTED OFF!!" haha! Just kidding about that, your face wont really melt off. Well, maybe it will if you play it loud enoughh! haha! But let's puth that ashide for a minute and get down tto business here which is why you came to this side in the first place right? It's time for my METAL REVIEW of Wii Music for the Nintendo Wii. So lets turn our amplighfer up to "11" and get ready to rock! haha!

OK, well I'ms oryy to say this Metal Steve fans but there are some things even I, the mighty Metal Steve am just no capable of. And that is plying music games that don't even have real music. I already told you how "GUITAR HERO" is really not that great of a game becahsuse the gutiar pplaying is totally fake! haha! Well Wii Music is even woese I have to admit because instead of something that looks like a real isntrument you have to play with the Wii Remote and the Wii Nunchuck. Where are the strings to srutum? This is "NOT METAL" at all! haha! "BUT CAN YOU ROCK OUT WITH WII MUSIC?" In aw ord NO WAY! haah! I know you might say, "Hey Steve, that's 2 words" and I have two wordsh for you: SHUT UP! haha!

Did you knwo why Nintendo made Wii Music? You might think that its to compete with GUITAR HERO" or "ROCK BAND" but really its because the guy at Nintendo who makes all the games, Miyimoto. He said, "Hey gusy I like to play the banjo so lets make a banjo game! But let's use the Nintendo Wii Remote!" and they had so much fun they kept adding more sintruments into they whole game was full of fake instruments and Miyimoto was like "Hey gusy, slow down! We have to sav esomething for the sequel!" haha! But then Nintendo had this game so they said "PUT IT IN STORES" nad then puti t on a disc and sold it to people. But unfortuntaely for people like me who are musicians its just fake music for people who don't know a guitar from a banjo! haha! "THERE IS NO REASON TO BELIEVE THIS IS MUSIC>" You might as well listen to rap and besidethe game has a rapper and record player which is just ddumb and not real music! haha! METAL FOREVER!

So now you know why Wii Music is not worth your har-dearned money and unless you are a posser who is NOT METAL you should just get a realy guitar and take lessons. You might ask me "Hey Steve, can yout each me to play guitar?" Sorry guys, I'm too busy with my band Mighty Talon to teach you how to play guitar and beside if you like Wii Music chanses are you don't knwo a think about msuic and are waisting my time! haha! I'm sorry ot be rude but you get notwhere in life lying to people. But keep practicign and one day you may be mighty like METAL STEVE of "MIGHTY TALON."

I need to go meet Samatha, my girlfirend for dinner because its our dat enight tonight and you know what that means. "METAL STEVE WILL BE HAVING DESERT TOO!" haha! Let's just say that I might end up playing Wii Music, or should I say "SAMANTHA MUSIC" tonight. I wonder what tyepy of instrument she is. Probably a bass drum or a tayko drum! haha! That's mean but i told her her big butt makes her tlook that way! haha! OK my loyal fans I'm sorry for being gone for so long. I'm so busy so I might nto be back for a while but until then remember, as Metal Steve says, "DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH FAKE MUSIC WHEN THER EIS REAL METAL TO PLAY!" Later!

1 comment:

Mike said...

Mike here (again), Apparently, you can't spell at all. And I know you think "METAL" Is the only good type of music, but seriously learn your roots before you boast that you play guitar. Guitar Hero and Rock band were made for teenagers and we love them... I being a real musician found them fun, But nothing like playing the guitar. (I can play, I'm not good at it.) And now, Wii Music was not made because he plays a banjo. It was made because Nintendo is doing a smart thing, and expanding their franchise to include non-hardcore gamers, Because the 360 and the PS3 are eating up that part of the market. Wii Music was made to introduce music to families and to spread the love of music in general. And just because you can't play "METAL" Doesn't make it bad, It makes it sensible, "METAL" Is just rock, that is indecipherable. Now, Stop posting these crap reviews please.